Our 2020-21 annual report paints a picture of how we’re delivering on our purpose


Today we’re excited to announce that Hireup’s 2020/21 annual report has been published on our website, complete with data around our revenue, growth and, for the first time, tangible measurements of our company’s social impact.

Are we, in fact, having a positive impact on our clients’ lives? In short, yes. And this is how we know.

Hireup measures what we call ‘a good life’ using the seven core domains defined by the Australian Centre on Quality of Life’s Personal Wellbeing Index. These are: community connection, personal relationships, future security, health, achieving in life, safety, and standard of living.

Through a social impact survey, we quizzed our community about the difference Hireup makes across these areas in their lives. Here are some examples of what we discovered:

Hireup Survey

The results from our survey are, as a whole, encouraging. However as you can see, there’s room for improvement. Data like this is directing our focus and decision making into the future and we continue to closely consult with and survey our community to see how we’re performing.

It’s worth noting that the time frame of this report, from July 2020 to June 2021, was heavily impacted by the COVID pandemic. As a provider of disability support – a service largely based on face-to-face, hands-on human connection – it has been anything but business as usual. But we continued to serve and support our community, safely, despite the challenges.

We also rolled out some new initiatives during this time, such as a Board Observership Program that creates pathways for professionals with disability into leadership roles, and a news and features platform that pays writers with lived experience to express their views.

You’ll find these and other examples of how our purpose plays out in our day-to-day work in our report, but what comes to the fore of this document are stories from our community. Words from people who’ve built support teams on their own terms and from support workers who’ve enjoyed the flexibility and benefits of our employment model.

These stories are illustrated by Jaycee Kim, an artist we commissioned from disability arts organisation Studio A. Trust us when we tell you that our annual report is worth perusing just for a glimpse of Jaycee’s talent.

We’re very proud of this piece of work and hope it gives you a taste of what we’ve achieved, how we’re measuring our impact and where we’re headed on our journey together towards our corporate mission, ‘the pursuit of a good life for everyone’.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts.